Friday, February 22, 2013

Will & Trust


Trusting the power of the will

A will is a document that states your instructions on how your assets are to be distributed upon your death. It can be in any written language. 
Just as you need to pay for expenses related to house purchase, for example the Sales and Purchase Agreement, valuation fees and so on, expenses are also incurred to execute a will.
Therefore, even though you have named your beneficiaries in the will, they still need to pay for the execution expenses. Can they afford it? Do they have the resources to pay for it? These are some hurdles your family faces before the assets can be transferred to them.
With the ING Funded will, expenses associated with will execution can be met. We will help you estimate how much the execution expenses required and you decide how much coverage you need to plan for this future expense.
The ING Family Protection Plan(IFPP) is tailored to provide for this need.
The ING Funded Will is a package of services, comprising My Legacy which provides the will writing services, Perpetual Trustee Berhad or Amanah Raya Berhad.
You can also add in allocation of funds for:
Stamp duty and legal fees for transfer of properties.
Monthly living expenses for your family or parents, children's school fees, utility bills, installment of loans, etc .
Funeral expenses, guardian's allowance, settling off any mortgages and loans.
Your family will receive all your assets net instead of having to deduct any expenses, mortgages or loans taken. Let your family enjoy:
Hassle-free will execution process
Peace of mind
No worries on will execution expenses
100% of your assets